Monday, 6 June 2011

The Vitruvian Man (c. 1485)

Leonardo Da Vinci

I love any of Leonardo Da Vinci’s work because it is all so old and you can tell it has aged. Most of his work has links with science which is something I have a passion for. I picked this image out of all of his because I love the way he has used a circle and a square to measure out the proportions of the human body and draw this image of a man. I also like how it is a man stood upright and one with his arms and legs open which means this image shows a person stood in 2 different positions. It is a very famous image however I have never seen it with the writing on it before, this looks like a page taken from a notebook which makes it even better because it is in its original form with Da Vinci’s notes and ideas on what he had produced. This image makes me wonder if there is any link to science or if it was just a drawing of the human body. 

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